Respect and pray on nature background

DRAFT – 3-5 Year Parish Plan for Ministry and Service July 17, 2021   

DRAFT – 3-5 Year Parish Plan for Ministry and Service July 17, 2021

Goal Statements – Dear Parishioners, we have come this far in setting our goals. Now we need your help in completing the process. Take time to reflect on the following statements and make suggestion/comments so that our Parish Planning Team can consider all thoughts and ideas. Peace, Fr. Peter

  • Directions

    Dear Parishioners, we have come this far in setting our goals. Now we need your help in completing the process. Take time to reflect on the following statements and make suggestion/comments so that our Parish Planning Team can consider all thoughts and ideas. Peace, Fr. Peter.

  • Thank you for taking the time to help us carry out our mission for the future of St. John Paul II. Please return to church or parish office before August 11, 2021.

    Peace, Fr. Peter

We, the people of St. John Paul II,
aim to live as Jesus lived through humility and trust.