For information or to volunteer, contact the Parish Council Liaison, Dan Amlung at

Francis Center Ministries

Francis Center is a parish ministry that provides Health, Healing and Fellowship, outreach, and programs to those in the Hikes Point Area (zip codes 40218 & 40220). For more information on how to volunteer contact

Sub-ministries of the Francis Center include:

Dare to Care Mobile Pantry

If your neighbors are hungry or thirsty give them food and drink.  Romans 12:20

St. John Paull II Parish is the site for a drive through Dare to Care Mobile Food Pantry that happens every 2nd Tuesday of the month.  The food is distributed to families in the Buechel/Hikes Point neighborhoods from the Church parking lot. The drive through pantry is staffed by neighborhood volunteers managed by Sister Ruth Ann Haunz, OSU. To volunteer contact

Kid’s Cafe

St. John Paul II Parish is a host site for a Kid’s Café that provides an opportunity for free tutoring/homework help and a hot meal.  Kid’s Café operates in the Parish Life Center on Monday, Wednesday. & Thursday from 4:30- 6:00 p.m. (following the school calendar) and serves children from 5 neighborhood schools.  It is staffed by volunteers and the meals are provided by Dare to Care.  The Kid’s Café program is managed by Sister Ruth Ann Haunz, OSU, contact Sr. Ruth Ann at

Golden Fitness

Senior exercise program, Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Parish Life Center. Phone or Text Pat Laemmle at 502-876-8899

Grief Ministry

This ministry provides support, comfort, and healing to those who are suffering from the passing of a loved one. For more information contact Pattie Filley at 502-459-4251, ext 24 or

Social Services

Confidential meetings can be scheduled with our parish social worker on an individual basis for anyone in need. There is no fee; however, appointments are necessary.  Contact Pattie Filley at the parish office, 502-459-4251 or


Yoga with Denise Stottman, every Tuesday, contact Denise at for more information.

Parish Outreach

Alcoholics Anonymous

Meets every Wednesday in the Parish Life Center at 3539 Goldsmith Lane from 8:00-9:00 p.m. For more information call the parish office at 502-459-4251

Card Writing Ministry

Volunteers remember and connect with parishioners in nursing homes and/or homebound. Senior citizens are remembered annually on their birthdays. For more information contact Eloise Campbell at


Members of St. John Paul II join with other faith congregations as CLOUT to correct injustices in Louisville systems. Participants attend 4 meetings per year and bring 3 others to the annual Nehemiah Assembly. At house meetings we express problems that concern us; at the problem assembly we vote on issues to address; at committee meetings we research solutions; at the Action Assembly we challenge those in responsible positions to make changes in policy. Contact Chris Finzer or

Faithful Citizenship

Catholics have a moral obligation to participate in political life, and be informed voters. Through study of Catholic Social Teaching this committee strives to promote the “common good” and the “dignity of the human person.” Legislative alerts from The Catholic Conference of Kentucky (CCKY) encourage action needed on local, state and national issues. For more information contact Patsy Meyer at

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, PAL

Meets weekly at STJPII, on Sundays, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Contact Michelle at 502-572-7497 or at   

Respect Life Committee

Works to promote respect for all human life, grounded in the dignity of the human person as an image of God. The committee addresses issues including: mental and physical disabilities, euthanasia, treatment of the elderly, capital punishment and abuse. Volunteers help with projects such as the Mother’s Day Rose Sale, Baby Bottle Collection, and a baby shower for pro-life groups. They also gather signatures on pertinent topics and try to keep parishioners informed about various life issues in the public forum. They plan parish education programs and highlight October as Pro-Life Month. for more information contact Diana Hill at

Second Collection for the Poor and Canned Goods for the Mustard Seed Pantry, located on campus

A second collection for the poor and needy is collected every 1st full weekend of the month. We will collect canned foods such as vegetables, fruit, soups, beans, meats and tuna preferably with pull tops and peanut butter, cereal, pasta and pasta sauce, etc. We will be in need of toiletries and cleaning supplies too. Contact Mary Ridenour at Parishioners are highly encouraged to bring in canned goods for our local food shelter opening the summer of 2024. For more information contact Pattie Filley at

St. Vincent de Paul Open Hand Kitchen

Volunteers meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:45 p.m. to be a part of the group who represent Saint John Paul II Parish by helping serve dinner at the Open Hand Kitchen on South Jackson Street. For more information contact Steve Hartung at

Sharing and Caring Tree

Volunteers actitivites include preparing the trees and tags; buying/donating gifts; sorting the gifts; and delivering the gifts to Catholic Charities. This ministry takes place in the advent season. Contact Robin Finzer at

We, the people of St. John Paul II,
aim to live as Jesus lived through humility and trust.